World Breastfeeding Week is a time to celebrate all families throughout the world.
World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated all across the globe August 1-7th
Families celebrate life and the family unit, and especially the mom and baby/child breastfeeding relationship. This can be celebrated by attending events and learning about healthy ways to continue breastfeeding in the workplace or in public places.
The purpose of World Breastfeeding Week is to promote, support and protect breastfeeding
- We make available education about breastfeeding and provide support and resources to families. We do this by events sponsored by organizations such as the Utah Breastfeeding Coalition and the Utah Department of Health.
- Worksite Breastfeeding Laws. Employers and employees should know how Worksite Breastfeeding laws impacts their work life. Businesses/employers should know if they are compliant with the law. The UDOH EPICC Program provides free worksite consulting services for all businesses.