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Category: During Pregnancy

Morning Sickness

Nausea or “morning sickness” is a common problem during pregnancy. About 50 to 90 percent of women may have nausea during a normal, healthy pregnancy. One factor that may cause nausea is the rising levels of hormones. Usually morning sickness ends by the fourth month or around 12 to 16 weeks gestation. Watch now Nausea and vomiting...


Hypertension - or high blood pressure - can cause problems during pregnancy.

Elective Labor Induction

Want to be induced? Learn why it may not be best for baby.

Genetic Testing and Early Pregnancy

All women should be offered the option to undergo genetic testing and early pregnancy screenings for fetal Down syndrome, fetal defects, cystic fibrosis, and HIV screening.


Ultrasounds are often a parent's first look at baby.

Cramping During Pregnancy

Cramping can be a normal part of pregnancy. When is it a concern or just "normal?"

Alcohol and Drug Use During Pregnancy

Learn how alcohol, drugs or tobacco can affect your baby's health.

Exercising Safely During Pregnancy

You must have permission from your doctor before beginning any exercise program during pregnancy. Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy Decreased rate of inductions, episiotomies, and cesarean sections Decreased length of labor Manage a healthy weight gain during pregnancy Lose pregnancy weight more easily Physically stronger for the demands of child care Set a healthy example...

The Importance of Exercising While Pregnant

Being in your best health before becoming pregnant is essential for a healthy pregnancy and baby; but over 30 percent of Utah women entering pregnancy are either overweight or obese. No matter how much you weigh – there is one thing women can do right now to help prevent pregnancy problems – exercise. Wendy Young is...
